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Test Preparation

Proprietary courses for the SAT, ACT, and more.

In Europe, most students aren't accustomed to filling in bubbles. Multiple choice testing is a typically American format, with a way of thinking all its own. Indeed, for standardized exams, the task can be as much about understanding the test as about finding the right answer.

Ivy Entry first works with families to help select the standardized exams most suited to students' skills and abilities. We then train our students to think like the tests they are taking. Our strategies enable them to approach each section of their exams with confidence, to unravel questions deliberately, and to select the best answers efficiently. 

We offer proprietary test preparation for the following exams:

  • SAT

  • ACT

  • PSAT

  • ISEE

  • SSAT

  • GRE

  • GMAT




  • GCSEs

  • French Baccalaureate

  • APs

  • IB

  • Bocconi admission test

We also arrange for tutoring of a number of other standardized tests. Please be in touch to see if we can assist with an exam that may not be listed on this page.